Hi, I’m Diana.

I’m an interaction designer working towards positive social impact
at the intersection of education, culture, and entrepreneurship.

I believe that with a human-centered process, a rigorous approach, and an eye to the consequences
of what we create, design can take on tough problems and make positive change. In my work
I look to the needs and goals of real people to drive design decisions and business strategy.


Diana Griffin - photo by Anna Krachey

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In a Nutshell…

I’m a co-founder of GirlsGuild and the
Product Owner & Designer at SchoolAdmin,
as well as a fledgling programmer, erstwhile
ESL teacher, sometime writer, and always
an avid learner.

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While originally from Vancouver, BC, I’ve lived
in four countries on three continents, speak
two-and-a-half languages, and love the
challenges of learning and sharing across
generations and cultures.

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As well as design, I’m passionate about books,
bicycles, and spontaneous solo dance parties.
I love exploring the world to discover meaning.
And I can be a bit obsessive about grammar,
recycling, and digging into details.

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